
This is a large group of tropical vines that grow 10 to 30 feet high. The most commonly grown kind is D. Lablab, the Hyacinth Bean. This pretty vine has lavender-purple or white, fragrant flowers, which resemble tiny butterflies. They grow up to an inch across and are produced in loose racemes up to a foot long. The leaves may grow 3 to 6 inches long. This plant is usually grown as an annual. D. lignosus is an evergreen vine only suitable for growing in the South.

Pot Cultivation

These vines flourish in light, well drained, moist soil in full sun.


Seeds may be sown directly where they are to grow when the soil is warm. They may also be started indoors in pots and set out when the weather is settled.

D. Lablab


  • D. Lablab;
  • D. lignosus 

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